Sunday, September 14, 2008


I'm told there are people still checking in periodically and wondering what's going on with Mike. So we'll provide a little update...

Mike is up and walking on a cane full time now. He is also able to walk without the cane albeit with a wider stance and slower gait. He's found that the physical presence of the cane is a good silent indicator to people that he needs a little more space around him -- and people act accordingly.

Mike is also starting to look around the house for projects which is classic pre-stroke behavior. He can be found patching holes and painting walls right now. I am sorry to report that the stroke did not "correct" the part of Mike's brain that allows him to shout, "Good enough for government work!" at the end of a, shall we say, less than perfect job (with all due respect to government workers reading this blog right now). It is good luck indeed that I am not a perfectionist.

Starting back at the physical therapy has provided Mike a benchmark for his recovery. He can seen how far he has come as his therapist regularly gives him timed tasks (e.g. walking from one end of a hallway to another) and updates him accordingly. He has also begun with a personal trainer who claims her goal is to have strangers size up Mike and conclude he had knee surgery, not a stroke that took most, if not all, of his cerebellum.

Mike hit the six month anniversary of his stroke September 2. This triggered Providence's HR department to start the paperwork going for his termination. We received a kind phone call from his boss letting us know that Mike would be welcome back any time he could return but for now, they have to get him off the books. We are pleased to report that as of September, Mike's long term disability also kicked in so he will probably have a year of breathing space to figure out what to do next. On the agenda is another neuro test to determine the extent of the cognitive damage; we anticipate that to happen in about six months.

We're entering Portland's Fall with the most glorious weather. We've had a run of stunning 80 degree days which inspired us to take a long look at a corner of our cantilevered house that is sagging. In the next few days I'm having a guy come in to tear off the south facing wall. This project should be angst-riddled enough to drive another six months of blogging.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Last week, Mike went for a transesophageal echocardiogram (TEE) which is an ultrasound of the heart. The test served two purposes: first, it ruled out a cardioembolic source of the stroke and secondly, the cardiologist had a good look at the aortic valve. Then, today we saw a cardiothoracic surgeon who advised him to follow the valve over time. There will come a day when the aortic valve will need to be replaced. But it's not now.

Mike takes a break from his PT this month but will return in September to a more rigorous schedule. He also starts up with a personal trainer at the athletic club this week. He has two upcoming goals: returning to his bike riding and learning how to play squash.

We leave next week for Denver to visit with Mike's mom and dad. Then it's on to San Diego. Amelia starts third grade in early September and Winston (3) will begin a new pre-school as well.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


We head out to Ashland Thursday to pick up the kids, see some plays and enjoy some (Weil) family time.

For the last five days, Mike has hauled out and done most of "the loop" around our house. Using a walker or cane (and buoyed by a therapy belt), he's walked about 1/2 mile daily, much of it up and down hill and all of it uneven terrain. It's an impressive step forward.

With so many days childless, I've had time to do...nothing. And with so much nothingness surrounding me, I have had a chance to get interested in the world around me. Today, I can tell you I finally have a layman's understanding of the housing market crisis because of This American Life. Listen here:

Sunday, June 22, 2008


Greetings From Hailey, Idaho

We've arrived in Hailey to deliver the kids to my sister for a week. She is renting a house here and then returning them to Ashland in early July. The entire Weil clan will be in Ashland over the 4th for fraternizing and a few plays.

Here's a picture that proves we are really on vacation: Winston is naked and holding a Coke. Mike has a bag of Ruffles.

We were fortunate to happen upon a great Hailey park. Winston and Amelia rode the tire swing for a long time.

The first two pictures show them having a great time. The next is the picture taken right before Amelia threw up from the effects of the swing.

We are enjoying the beauty of Southern Idaho -- and its warmth. Locals tell me that they had 12 foot snow drifts up until six weeks ago. They must have gotten all of Portland's rain as snow this year. Lucky for us, that means lilacs are a month late in blooming and I have never seen anything like the lilacs here. They run the length of people's properties in giant blooming hedges. I will try to get a few pictures if the kids let me stop the car long enough.

We are also discovering the joys of the ADA. There are few places a person can go in this country now that do not accommodate people with disabilities. Bathrooms are tricked out. Hotels rooms are roomy and adapted. Even small cafes are accessible. Who knew?

Mike is moving with more fluidity now. He's zippy on the walker but has been hesitating on the cane; his equilibrium is still extremely compromised. He has been enjoying the pools we've hit on this roadtrip. The water takes the burden of his weight off of him and gives him a sense of safety and maybe even freedom.

Sunday, June 1, 2008


Mike has been prepping dinners for the last three days. On Saturday, we went out to the Farmers Market (note: people really clear the way for people in wheelchairs; it's the only way to go to crowded places). We picked up some morel mushrooms, white truffles and green garlic. Tonight, Mike whipped up a lovely Spring pasta with those ingredients. He complimented the main dish with a (Mario Batali) Babbo-inspired dish: seared broccocauli with mint and hot pepper. It was perfect! For those that are curious, the kids ate pasta, plain, no salt or oil in the water. Oi.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

5/11 #2

Some Mother's Day pictures!

The Bankowski's came over to prepare a great breakfast. Thanks Susan and Brandon!


Here's a video of Mike walking with a cane this week. He's moved from a walker to a cane for most short haul walking around.